Our Frida App.

Frida is our Coloring Book app for children. Less complex and with more childish content.

Phone Screenshot
Simple and Easy
As a Part of the Colrbook Network Frida is the Coloring Book App for your Children.
Handpicked Childrish Content
A Collection of a ton of unique Coloring Pages, handpicked and crafted
No Tracking
As a Part of the Colrbook Network Frida is the Coloring Book App for your Children.
Only Subscription
Keep your Focus and enjoy everything you find in this app. With just one InApp Subscription.
Attention for many many Hours
As a Part of the Colrbook Network Frida is the Coloring Book App for your Children.
Locked Moderator Functions
We locked all non coloring functionalities for easy parental control.

Download Frida

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Frequently asked questions

Some Coloring Books you can find in Frida

Within Frida you can find more than 10 books.

    Get the Coloring Book App for Children!

    Some Coloring Pages you can find in Frida

    Within Frida you can find more than 200 images.